Tuesday 26 August 2014

Activism or Slacktivism: has the ice bucket challenge been a success?

If you’ve visited facebook anytime recently then you will no doubt have come across a video or two of friends dousing themselves in ice cold water. The ice bucket challenge is a campaign with the aim of raising awareness of, and funding for, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or as it is often referred to in the U.K., Motor Neurone Disease (MND).  In the past weeks the challenge has gone viral with millions putting themselves through mild discomfort, with the hope of fulfilling these aims. The campaign, however, has not been without its critics, so I felt compelled to write this and perhaps shed light on a few misconceptions, and say why I think the ice bucket challenge has in part been a great success, but why it is also likely to be a short lived one.